Health Education

One of the most important things you can do is to start educating yourself about creating true health. We understand how overwhelming it can be when you first dip your toe in the world of natural health. But there has never been a more pressing need to start empowering yourself with knowledge, and to start taking personal responsibility for your most important asset – you!

We have a catalogue of articles relating to all areas of health – mind, body and spirit – because we understand the importance of taking a whole healing approach.

This area will become a huge focus for The People’s Health Alliance as we firmly believe in supporting you to make your own health choices. As part of our next development phase, we will be sharing webinars and courses, courtesy of our Partners & Affiliates, and will continue to organically grow, with your feedback and suggestions. After all, we can’t create a people-led approach, without consulting The People!

Here is ThePeoplesPodcast videos on Rumble


Browse our health learn more about how you can take responsibility for your health and help your community


Want to contribute an article, health tips or a recipe for good health? We’d love to hear from you! Please send us a message or email