Our First Newsletter, key updates and important information.
Your active participation is vital for collective success.

1. Spread the Word on social media: Tag, Share, and Promote

The community needs your help!  Please tag both websites and social media platforms in your posts to increase visibility.

  1. Opportunities: Meetings with Ministries and Authorities

We are holding key meetings with the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights, Malta Tourism Authority, and Malcolm Borg of MCAST. Follow-up meetings are planned with Malta Food Agency and more.

  • What to Expect: Potential collaborations offering paid opportunities for your skills and expertise. Details to follow. This is a great chance to impact our communities and gain financial benefits.
  • How to Prepare: Update your contact details in the directories – where necessary by emailing any edits to PFFA or PHA.
  1. Gozo Launch

On Friday June 28th we introduced our initiatives to a fabulous group of farmers, practitioners and interested people including several directory members who came to support.

Co-founders and leaders of the respective steering committees “shared their why” in an interactive discussion about the opportunities and hope we see in the future for Malta and Gozo.

4. Call for volunteers

Request for active community effort as follows::

  • Introducing the community directories to excellent health care practitioners, farmers & fresh local producers
  • Legal advisors

Request for active community effort for PFFA as follows::

  • Maltese translators for written and verbal communications with farmers
  • Team members & ideas/contacts for Malta Food Literacy programmes from primary schooler to pensioner including businesses on social and main media competitions and events

Request for volunteers for farmer group  Ghaqda Bdiewa Attivi

  • lawyer/notary/spokesperson for the farmer’s committee. Can anyone help find such a volunteer please?? If you know of anyone please get in touch with us
Fruit/ Vegetable of the Month…
Malta has a glut of watermelons in July and August.
What isn’t sold at the pitkalija is turned to compost
5000 watermelons to date and counting
We run an awareness campaign with nutrient benefits and recipes on all social media to reduce waste of local produce…

It is time to make better food choices.

Better for health, better for nature, better for Malta and Gozo.