Sleep Well with PHA

July 13, 2023

What is the purpose of sleep?

At the end of each day, we are typically thankful to sink into our beds to sleep. Human design is such that we should ideally sleep 6-8 hrs and wake up feeling fully refreshed, recharged, full of life and vitality ready to start the next working day! If we are truly honest with ourselves, how many of us feel amazing when we wake up, and what happens during our sleep?


Our brain waves and muscles are at their highest activity. We undergo activities and experience interactions and emotions.


Our brain waves slow down and reboot which permits the release of growth hormones. These enable a complex neurophysiological and hormonal symphony to occur in the body, responsible for cell repair and inflammation reduction. Dreaming is the body’s way of processing the day’s experiences and memories.

What happens to the body when we don’t attain sufficient sleep?

  1. Memory issues/concentration issues/mood issues
  2. Weakened immune system
  3. Balance issues
  4. Risk for diabetes
  5. Need for stimulants (Caffeine etc)
  6. High blood pressure
  7. Weight gain
  8. Low sex drive
  9. Poor balance

Why our ancestors were typically able to obtain a higher quotient of sleeping hours?

  1. Rural small village living versus Noisy bustling cities & towns
  2. Darker skies versus Light pollution
  3. Manual labour, farming, domestic chores versus Desk jobs, hours on phone & PC
  4. Regulary working hours versus Late nights & shift work

  5. Locally produced seasonal food versus Processed food

  6. Organic cooking fats versus Inflammatory seed & nut oils

Sleep and selfcare

Getting a good night’s sleep is about understanding what causes sleep deprivation and prioritising yourself and your own wellbeing. Be honest with yourself and look at your own bedtime habits…

Tips for a good night’s sleep and new sleep routine;

  1. Darkened room – Use black out blinds or an eye mask
  2. Ensure your mattress is comfortable – Neither too soft or hard and sleep in natural fabrics
  3. Optimal sleeping room temperature is around 16-18 Degrees C
  4. No mobile phones or tablets within 2 hours of bed – ban them from the bedroom
  5. Ensure your sleeping area is quiet – Use ear plugs if necessary
  6. Gentle stretching, try yoga or pilates before bed
  7. Reduce alcohol and coffee consumption
  8. Prioritise your diet for your health and reduce processed food!
  9. Practice mindfulness and meditation
  10. Reduce alcohol and caffeine especially before bedtime!
  11. Try to be in bed before 11pm to maximise your body’s healing ability!
  12. Deep breath exercise to calm down your body and mind before sleep!

Further reading..

2 Minutes to Sleep : Every day self-care for a better nights rest.
By Corinne Sweet: ISBN 978-1-52940-939-0